Friday, October 29, 2010

Goodbye OpenSolaris/SXCE! Hello OpenIndiana

Finally did it. Being running Solaris Express Community Edition SXCE (last release was 129) on my work desktop for a few years now and was was planning to upgrade to OpenSolaris, but since we all knew what happened there I went for one better ;-)

  1. Downloaded iso from and burnt it to a DVD

  2. Booted my Sun Ultra 24 off the DVD:
    • OK! I put in a new disk in the box just to be safe

  3. Installed the software.
    • I did have a couple of devices not found which is strange since it is a Sun box
      Intel : 82X38/X48 Express MEI Controller
      Intel : 82801|(ICH9 Family) Thermal Subsystem

  4. First fix the root problem
    • open a Terminal
    • execute "su" and give the password you chose for your account at installation time
    • you will be informed that root's password has expired and prompted to change it
    • once changed you can exit the su session

  5. If you wish change Default User to have
    • System => Administration => Users and Groups
    • Enter Root password
    • Select Default User and select Properties
    • Select User profiles tab and find and select Primary Administrator

  6. Install some extra software (Office, medialib for flash to work
    • # pfexec pkg refresh
      # pfexec pkg install office
      # pfexec pkg install library/medialib
  7. Download and install Adobe Flash Player : Adobe Flash Player 10.1 x86
    • # bzip2 -dc flash_player_10_solaris_x86.tar.bz2| tar xf -
      # pfexec cp flash_player_10_solaris_r22_87_x86/ /usr/lib/firefox/plugins
      # pfexec chown root:bin /usr/lib/firefox/plugins//
    li>Download and install Adobe Reader
    • Adobe Reader 9.2 x86
    • # chmod +x ./AdbeRdr9.4-1_i486solaris_enu.bin
      Extracting files, please wait. (This may take a while depending on the configuration of your machine)
      This installation requires 172 MB of free disk space.
      Enter installation directory for Adobe Reader 9.4 [/opt]
      Installing platform independent files ... Done
      Installing platform dependent files ... Done
      Setting up libraries ... Done
      Setting up desktop and menu icons ... Done
      Setting up the browser plugin ... Done
  8. Download and install Virtual Box