I need to update my lab of Desktops to a newer version so I decided to build my own DVD with Jumpstart built in. I think at the moment the OpenSolaris/Indiana release does not make this procedure possible, so sticking with SXCE.
This solution is not perfect but it works!
The procedure is:
- Obtain the latest iso version
- Copy iso to a disk for editing
- Extract the mini boot for editing
- Replace original sysidcfg with your version
- Rebuild miniboot
- Edit grub menu
- Add your jumpstart features (Packages, Scripts, etc)
- Rebuild iso image
- Write iso image to DVD
Step by step guide
1. Obtain the latest Nevada/SXCE iso version (or even Solaris)
2. Copy iso to a disk for editing
- Need to mount the ISO (i.e. sol-nv-b105-x86-dvd.iso)
- Then copy contents to some where on your hard disk
# lofiadm -a /export/iso/sol-nv-b105-x86-dvd.iso
# mount -o ro -F hsfs -o ro /dev/lofi/1 /mnt
# mkdir /export/dvd
# cd /mnt
# find . -depth -print | cpio -pdm /export/dvd
3. Extract the mini boot for editing
# gzcat /export/dvd/boot/x86.miniroot > /var/tmp/bootfile
# lofiadm -a /var/tmp/bootfile
# mkdir /tmp/bootfile
# mount /dev/lofi/2 /tmp/bootfile
# ls /tmp/bootfile
a cdrom etc mnt proc sbin ....
4. Replace original sysidcfg with your version
- My sysidcfg setups ldap, root password, etc...
# cd /tmp/bootfile/etc
# rm sysidcfg
# cat > sysidcfg
network_interface=e1000g0 {primary dhcp protocol_ipv6=no}
name_service=LDAP {domain_name=dcs.bbk.ac.uk profile=default profile_server=193.xx.yy.zz proxy_dn="cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=dcs,dc=bbk,dc=ac,dc=uk" proxy_password="PLAIN TEXT PASSWORD"}
root_password="Encrypted Password"
# cd /var/tmp
5. Rebuild miniboot
# umount /tmp/bootfile
# lofiadm -d /dev/lofi/2
# gzip /var/tmp/bootfile
# mv /var/tmp/bootfile.gz /export/dvd/boot/x86.miniroot
6. Edit grub menu
- Need to add the install option so that performs a hands-off Jumpstart install
- I have also added another item so that the default is to boot off the disk. i.e. it will not do a install unless you pick Jumpstart items
- I have also altered it so that it gets the jumpstart scripts from a tar file on the web server
- edit /export/dvd/boot/grub/menu.lst so it looks like
min_mem64 1024
title Boot From Disk
rootnoverify (hd0)
chainloader +1
title Custom Jumpstart
kernel /boot/platform/i86pc/kernel/unix - install -B install_media=cdrom
module /boot/x86.miniroot
7. Add your Jumpstart features (Packages, Scripts, etc)
- With any luck you have this already otherwise please see the Sun docs
- Basically I have some extra packages (/opt/sfw and some scripts which alter system files)
- Tar the whole directory and place it on web server
- Copy any packages to the DVD if required
# cd /export/jumpstart
# tar cf /opt/htdocs/solaris/config.tar .
# cp -rp /export/ExtraPackages /export/dvd
8. Rebuild ISO image
- Now we have our new grub menu
- New miniroot
- Extra Packages on the DVD
- Now we need to create the ISO
- You may get some warnings out filename conversions, which I have not solved yet, but I do not use these packages so it is OK.
/usr/bin/mkisofs -d -D -J -l -r -U -relaxed-filenames -b boot/grub/stage2_eltorito -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -c .catalog -V "OpenSolaris" -o /var/tmp/output.iso /export/dvd
Using TopicSelectors$Subscri000.class for /var/tmp/dvd/Solaris_11/Produc/SUNWiqdoc/reloc/usr/demo/imq/jm/TopicSelectors$Subscriber$MultipleListener.class (TopicSelectors$Subscriber.class)
1.85% done, estimate finish Thu Jan 15 16:43:42 2009
Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation
1.43% done, estimate finish Thu Jan 15 11:08:14 2009
99.78% done, estimate finish Thu Jan 15 11:15:08 2009
Total translation table size: 2048
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 4369317
Total directory bytes: 23724032
Path table size(bytes): 185830
Max brk space used 23da000
1753844 extents written (3425 MB)
9. Write iso image to DVD
# cdrw -i /var/tmp/output.iso
That is it folks.
Creating OpenSolaris USB Sticks Is Easy
reating a Customized Boot CD/DVD for the Solaris Operating System for x86 Platforms