Thursday, July 31, 2014

Install Firefox 30 (latest version) onto Oracle Solaris 11

As you know Oracle Solaris 11 (11.1, 11.2) comes with Firefox 17 ESR and Mozilla 17 ESR, which is very good news. I have had no problems with this version until now when I upgrade our Oracle Database 12c to and found out that I could no longer access the Enterprise Manager Database Express via the browser since you require Firefox 24+.

Thankfully someone has compiled there our later version and placed them in mozilla contrib locations
  • Uncompress and install
# bzip2 -d  firefox-30.0.en-US.opensolaris-i386-pkg.bz2
# pkgadd -d firefox-30.0.en-US.opensolaris-i386-pkg
  •  Firefox is now ready to run, but you need plugins. Copy your existing plugins from Solaris 11 install location. Note the new location
# cd /usr/lib/firefox
# find plugins -depth -print | cpio -pdm /opt/sfw/lib/firefox/browser
# unzip
# bzip2 -dc fp_11.2.202.228_archive/11_2r202_223_32bit/flash_player_11_2r202_228_solaris_x86.tar.bz2| tar xf -
# cp flash_player_solaris_11_2_202_223_x86/ /opt/sfw/lib/firefox/browser/plugins
  • That it away you go.
# /opt/sfw/bin/firefox


  1. Hi,
    just two questions: Will this version run under solaris 10 x86 u10?
    Does the old firefox need to be uninstalled?
    Thanks and cheers,

  2. George,
    Sorry for the delay but been away.
    There is a Solaris 10 version, but download the latest version to get all the security fixes.

    This version is installed /opt/sfw, so you don't have to uninstall any Solaris versions, but it will overwrite any versions you have under /opt/sfw.

